Promise Keepers

Read this featured blog post by Pastor Jeremy Vines


Promise Keepers

Today’s message is called. “Promise Keepers”.

Matthew 5:33–37 (ESV)

Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ 34 But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil. 

Promise Keepers Events

I am not sure haw many of you are old enough to remember Promise Keepers - Stadiums of men would get together to Worship Jesus…

Above is a picture is of me in Washington DC at the Million Man Gathering….  I am the one on the left.


Keeping Promises seems to be very conditional today.

Meaning that it is very culturally acceptable to NOT keep promises IF a certain set of criteria is met. 

It reminds me of a principle I have talked about a few times. Which is there seem to be two kinds of Christians.


The only if Christian says I will serve the Lord Only if the following conditions are met.

The Even if Christian says I will serve the Lord Even if no conditions are ever met. 

For the Only if Christians - God is constantly expected to meet the burden of proof, and to demonstrate and re-demonstrate God’s love for them through feelings, signs and answered prayers.

For the EVEN IF Christian, the burden of proof is on us to prove our love, faith and loyalty to God. They will say, Even if I don’t see another sign, even if I never receive an answer to prayer, even if my world falls apart… No matter what - I will serve the Lord.

Conditional Promises

That is also the way some people keep promises.

Their word is only as good as their motivation in the given moment. 

While this may seem like a new problem - it really isn’t - it is a human problem. Jesus knows this and addresses it here. 

But it is so powerful for you to see that none of this is in isolation. These topics that we are discussing - are all in the context of what Jesus is saying. 

So lets look at what Jesus has said so far. 

  • Beatitudes 
  • He turns what it means to be blessed - completely upside down.
  • He says we are salt and light and that what we do matters.
  • Law
  • Jesus says he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. 
  • We spent 3 weeks discussing the law from these 4 verses in Matt 5:17-20.
  • If you think I am saying that the law is no longer relevant or applicable to our lives - you’re not hearing me. 
  • If you think that keeping the law in any way shape or form makes you right in the eyes of God - you’re not hearing Jesus.
  • Anger
  • You thought murder was the line - But I say anger is.
  • Lust
  • You thought adultery was the line - But I say lust is.
  • Marriage & Divorce 
  • You thought if you wanted a divorce - just give a certificate - But I say Divorce is adultery.
  • And we talked a lot about Sexual Immortality and what this is. 

Then he immediately talks about keeping your word.

Matthew 5:33–37 (ESV)

Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn…

Meaning that if were at the level of swearing - then you had to keep your word, yet it was understood that if the vow was not at the level of swearing - then it was not binding. 

The words “Swear falsely” come from the word epiorkeō - to break an oath.

So what existed in the people, much like people today is we have degrees of honesty or at least degrees of commitment to our honesty. 

At the top was an oath or a swearing - which basically was promise you really really mean. 

Degrees of Honesty

When I was growing up - I distinctly remember 3 levels of commitment to your own word.

  1. There was just saying it - which meant almost nothing.
  2. Then there is a promise which is binding but had loopholes.
  3. And then swearing - which was the highest level of commitment.

I don’t know that it is all that different today.

We have levels of commitment to everything we say today.

For example: have you ever had someone say that they would be somewhere and then they didn’t show up?

(Not counting circumstances beyond their control)

How about this - how many of you know someone who has a reputation for not showing up? 

Or not showing up on time?

I know people that when I see or hear that they are committed to something - I figure it is a 50/50 chance at best whether or not they show.

I think we all know people like that. Is that a big deal? I mean really? Is that really a problem in the eyes of God?

Matthew 5:34 & 37 (ESV)

But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all… 37 Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil. 


Jesus is saying that anything more than a simple yes or no - comes from evil. 

It comes from evil - because the only reason different levels of honesty are necessary is because we don’t see a problem breaking our word, so we have to invent new ways of committing to our word when we really mean it. That is what the Pharisees did. They would swear by different things - to raise they level of commitment of their promise.

Matthew 5:33–37 (ESV)

…Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black…

Look at all these levels.

  • Heaven
  • Throne of God
  • Earth
  • God’s Footstool
  • Jerusalem
  • Your Head

All of these were levels that Pharisees or Religious leaders liked to swear by. 


Today you might hear someone swear on their life or even by their mother’s grave…

But Jesus says that anything other than a simple yes or no comes from evil. 

This is what being salt and light is all about. Remember what Jesus said “our works matter”, “what we do matters”… To us this was weeks ago - to the audience hearing about keeping their word in just moments ago…

Matthew 5:16 (ESV)

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 

These are the good works he is talking about. 

Be a Promise Keeper

Let them see you keep your word,

Let them see you show up when you said you would. 

At the time you said you would

Let them see you honor your marriage vows.

Let them see you pay the debts you owe.

Let them see you be an EVEN IF kind of person. The world is full of ONLY IF people… 

Even if all hell breaks loose you are going to serve God with all of your heart, all of your soul, all of your strength and all of your mind. And keep your word.

Watch this message here