Living Free Ministry
Living Free exists to help individuals, families, and communities dealing with life-challenging and life-controlling problems find wholeness in Christ. "If you abide in my Word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:31 NIV
Living Free is a Christian ministry that are provided in local churches and ministries with small group training and discipleship curriculums that focus on helping people prevent and overcome life-controlling issues*. The materials are biblically-based, Christ-centered, and designed to benefit all church members—challenging them to examine their own lives and equipping them to reach their communities by addressing the heart-felt needs of people.
*Life-controlling issues (other descriptions include: life-controlling struggle, addiction, dependency, stronghold, besetting sin, slavery, compulsive behavior) definition: anything that masters our lives and blocks our spiritual growth.
Do you struggle with destructive behaviors, harmful emotions, negative attitudes, unhealthy relationships or substance abuse? Do you need help with parenting, loss/grief, self-worth or pursuing God? Or maybe you just want to deepen your relationship with the Lord?
Chances are there is a group for YOU! New groups starting every 8-12 weeks. But come ANYTIME! You are welcome on any Monday at 7pm.