We all have “junk” that we carry with us…but did you know that Jesus came so that we could have life and have it to the FULL? (John 10:10)
No matter where you are in your walk with Christ - we all have things in our lives that we tend to hold on to or pick up that we should not have. Strongholds, secret sins, traumas…Jesus died for ALL of these things.
Shame causes us to push Jesus away…so why not get rid of the shame and guilt that causes such heartache? Jesus is the answer to the vicious cycle!
This weekend is to battle with the enemy and get past the past. There is absolutely no reason we should drag this “junk” into our future.
Your life can be completely changed, restored, and healed. So be brave. Sign up and come to Spirit INcounter Weekend.
Space is limited, so save your spot now!
Why is there a cost?
The small (non-refundable) registration fee of $30 will cover the cost for the Spirit INcounter Weekend manual, lunch, and refreshments. If this is hardship for you, please contact us at 208-733-5349. We don't want anyone to miss out on this event.
Will lunch be provided?
What about childcare?
Unfortunately, childcare will not be provided at Spirit INcounter Weekend. Nursing infants are welcome.